Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nuit Blanche Ottawa 2012! This Saturday!

Ottawa is having its first Nuit Blanche this year! I will be popping up a gallery in front of the Ottawa School of Art with Lemonjellow Productions.

Inspired by the creative artistry and imagination of pop-up books, we are presenting a “pop-up gallery.”  Pre-constructed from recycled materials, this temporary gallery is mobile in the sense that we can “pop it up” anywhere in the city.  Our aim is to provide a space where anyone can contribute to this gallery on the spot.  The idea is to foster a communal spirit of sharing, interaction, and support from the ground up.  In essence anyone who wants to be, will become an artist participating in Nuit Blanche!

When: September 22, 6:22 pm - 4:22am
Where are we located?  35 George Street, in front of the Ottawa School of Art in the Byward Market

Facebook Event Page:
Nuit Blanche Ottawa:

I will also have original prints on display at La Nouvelle Scene, a lovely french theatre on 333 King Edward Ave. as part of their Nuit Blanche installation with the Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers.  

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